linguistic system of communication
1) to use a language
2) to plan; standardize a language
3) to learn, master a language
4) to speak (in) a language
5) to butcher, murder; enrich; purify a language
6) (the) spoken; written language
7) one's native language
8) a foreign; international, world; national; official; second; universal language
9) colloquial, informal; formal; idiomatic; literary, standard; nontechnical; substandard; technical language
10) an ancient; artificial; classical; creolized; dead, extinct; living; modern; natural; sign; trade language
11) an agglutinative; inflecting; isolating; synthetic; tone language
12) an object, target; source language
style of speaking or writing
13) abusive; bad, coarse, crude, dirty, foul, nasty, obscene, offensive, unprintable, vile, vulgar; rough, strong, vituperative language
14) elegant; everyday, plain, simple; flowery; polite; rich language
15) children's; diplomatic language
system of signs, symbols used by a computer
16) a computer, machine, programming language
17) language acquisition; language maintenance